Holy Cows and Other Stories
A reflection on why we started our research into automated dairy farming, and the development of waiting_for_cows installation. Published in March 2025, this essay was part of a discursive event which brought together farmers and artists. For more information about this project visit the Waiting For Cows project page.
Digital essay
We want this publication to be accessible for everybody. Download it here.
Dairy Technology Through Time
As part of our extensive research on how technology shapes human-animal relationships, we condensed part of the cultural history of Dutch dairy technology into a research brochure with illustrations. First published in December 2024 for the premiere of waiting_for_cows. For more information about this project visit the Waiting For Cows project page.
Digital brochure
We want this publication to be accessible for everybody. Download it here in English.
Download it here in Dutch.
Bloody Beautiful Playbook
This book outlines our response to the deeply problematic dominant narratives about menstruation and menopause. It offers details of our approach to steering conversations in a different direction.
Importantly, the book has “playbook” in the title because it suggests fun and lightness – elements we believe are key to creating an accessible social movement. It also suggests that it’s for others to build on - to play with. We want to share and offer our methods and results up for others to build on and remix. For more information about this project visit the Bloody Beautiful project page.
Digital book
We want this publication to be accessible for everybody. Download it here.
52 pages. Limited edition of 100.
€7.50 + shipping
Bloody Beautiful Interviews
In the Spring of 2023 we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews to understand how different demographics, including people who don’t menstruate, experience menstruation and menopause.
With this zine series, we present extracts from these interviews. Sorted thematically, these extracts offer insight into the ongoing research that forms such a fundamental part of Bloody Beautiful.
For more information about this project visit the Bloody Beautiful project page.
Zine pack of 4
Limited to 40 copies.
We are offering the zines for free, just pay shipping costs.
A City Eating Itself (in less than 10 minutes)
In December 2023, we published ‘A City Eating Itself (in less than 10 minutes)’, a book that showcases all the research, design, collaboration and creativity that went into our project.
This book, designed by Lyanne Tonk, features research by the affect lab team, plus essays from René Boer and Letizia Chiappini. It includes speculative stories, a science fiction script, and riso-printed illustrations. It also comes with a removeable poster illustrated by Kooooos. For more information about this project visit the A City Eating Itself project page.
Digital book
We want this publication to be accessible for everybody. Download it here.
164 pages. Limited edition of 100
€22.50 + shipping