Illustrations by Sioejeng Tsao

Illustrations by Sioejeng Tsao

Bloody Beautiful

BLOODY BEAUTIFUL is a movement aimed at normalising conversations about menstruation & menopause. Everyone is invited. Stories that are normally hidden or even taboo are celebrated in all their glory. Let’s explode some of the tired old myths and conditionings about bodies.

Part of our goal is to creatively propagate new public narratives about menstruation and menopause in a gender-forward way. Not every person who menstruates identifies as a woman and we feel it’s critical to include queer and trans dialogue on the topic of periods, which is often relegated and marginalised in public forums.

Part of this work is to evolve our own thinking and vocabulary on bodies that do and don’t bleed. BLOODY BEAUTIFUL invites collaborations with artists and technologists from around the world – some of whom are brand new to audiences – in order to open space for fresh voices in the creative expression of this topic.

YOU are invited to participate in BLOODY BEAUTIFUL through our Gossip Sessions. These public gatherings feature key artists and technologists working in the field. Read about our previous gossip sessions below or sign up to our mailing list for news of upcoming sessions.

14 June 2023 - Tempel, Amsterdam

A gossip session celebrating menopause with artist Petra Kroon, presenter Milouska Meulens and menopause coach Desirée van Cleef.

18 July 2023 - Paradiso, Amsterdam

A gossip session in support of menstruation rights for all female & queer bodies in the Metaverse with Japanese artist and femtech pioneer Sputniko! (Hiro Ozaki).

This project is kindly supported by Creative Industries Fund NL, Vriendenloterij and Cultuurloket DigitALL.

21 March 2024 - Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo

In our first international presentation of Bloody Beautiful, affect lab and SPUTNIKO! exchanged insights and inspiration for how art can impact menstruation and menopause rights.

12 October 2023 - W139, Amsterdam

In this gossip session we explored the myths, magic and science of menstruating bodies with artist Annika Kappner and femtech CEO Isabelle Guenou.

21 & 28 November, 2023 - affect lab, Amsterdam

In this two-part workshop produced in collaboration with Radical Data, we used queer theory to explore alternative self-tracking techniques, in a move away from mainstream menstrual tracking apps.

18 January 2024 - Independent School for the City, Rotterdam

In this gossip session we highlighted the relationship between menstrual stigma and the built environment. With architect Molly Hughes, community organiser Tammy Sheldon and researcher Mayim Frieden. 

31 October 2024 - Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam

A gossip session where we explored how cultural myths, biases, and stereotypes about menopause are sustained.